Andrew Rozanov

Andrew Rozanov

Independent Board Member,
Agaciro Development Fund

Mr Rozanov is an Independent expert in institutional fund management, with 25 years of practical experience in global financial markets.

Originator of the term ‘sovereign wealth funds’, author of various SWF-related papers, and editor of two acclaimed books: “Global Macro” and “Tail Risk Hedging” (from Risk Books).

During 2016-19, he served as an Independent Non-Executive Director and Chairman of the Board of the National Investment Corporation of the National Bank of Kazakhstan,
which is one of the country’s sovereign wealth funds.

Previously, Andrew was Associate Fellow in the International Economics Program at Chatham House, where he was researching Abenomics.

Prior to that, he worked at Permal Group, where he was responsible for advising institutional investors on asset allocation, portfolio construction,
risk management and alternative investments, focusing on global macro and tail risk strategies.

Before that, he worked at State Street Corporation and UBS Investment Bank, in Tokyo and in London.

Rozanov is known in the industry for having introduced the term “Sovereign Wealth Funds’ (SWFs) in an article in Central Banking Journal in 2005. Subsequently,
he published extensively on SWF-related matters, and edited two highly acclaimed books – Global Macro and Tail Risk Hedging.

Mr Rozanov is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), a Financial Risk Manager (FRM), and a Chartered Alternative