Bella Landymore

Bella Landymore

Policy and Strategy Director
Impact Investing Institute

Bella started working for the Impact Investing Institute as Policy Director at its launch in November 2019. She leads several of the Institute’s projects, particularly in the areas of policy, regulation, and pensions.

Bella joined the Institute from the UK government’s Inclusive Economy Unit, where she was a Senior Policy Advisor on impact investing. In this role, her projects included the Law Commission’s review of pension funds and social investment, and the subsequent policy and regulatory changes, and the Implementation Taskforce on growing a culture of social impact investing in the UK.

Bella started her career in the charity sector before joining UBS Investment Bank, where she worked in New York and London, latterly as an Associate Director for their equities trading businesses.

Bella loves her east London neighbourhood and all its wonderful restaurants, pubs and green spaces. She also likes to escape the city – and country – for hikes.